Construction of an accessible entryway to Social Sciences North
Work will soon commence on an accessible ramp at the entry to the Social Sciences North (SSN) building, located at the top of Humanities Road next to car park 5. This project is expected to continue until July.
Access requirements
For people with access requirements, additional temporary access parks will be created on the upper level of car park 5, in addition to the existing access parks on the lower level. Access from the upper level of car park 5 to the SSN courtyard will remain open. Access from the ground level of car park 5 directly to the SSN courtyard will be unavailable throughout the works.
People with Australian National Disability parking permits or short-term support permits can continue to use access parks in nearby car parks 4 and 6 to avoid disruption.
Detour in place
A pedestrian detour will be in place while the ramp is constructed. If approaching the courtyard from ground level of car park 5 and wanting to travel south, go down the stairs to the SSN foyer and past Flinders University Museum of Art (FUMA).
Please avoid the area during works where possible and follow all directional signage in place.