Do you need support while you’re at Flinders’ City Campus? Whether you are here to study, get some support, or just hang out, we’re around with awesome services Monday to Friday.
Student Services | 8am – 6pm
Enrolment support, ID cards, course advice, student finance, official transcripts, and other documents, applying to study, international student support and connection to other university services.
Tech Support (including IDS Service Desk) | 8am – 6pm
Wi-Fi connection, Okta, virtual apps and software, campus computers and printing and AV support
Welcome Hub | 8am – 6pm
Directions, campus and event information and general questions.
Library | 9am – 5pm
Library assistance, Intercampus loans, FLO questions and search support.
Disability and Counselling | 9am – 5pm
Counselling, wellbeing, emotional, mental health support and access plans.
FUSA | 9am – 5pm
Advocacy, student clubs, accommodation, financial counselling, immediate financial relief and more.
Student Learning Support Service | 11am – 1pm
Assignment and referencing help.
Flinders’ City Campus building is open from 7am to 10pm, Monday to Friday. Access using your University ID swipe card from 6pm Monday to Friday, and from 8am to 6pm on weekends. Flinders’ City Campus is closed on public holidays.
More information on the campus and services.