Do you know how easy it is to print to Flinders printers from your own laptop or phone?
Anyone can print from their device using Mobility Print – it is quick and easy to set up by following these steps:
- Connect to the Flinders University’s WiFi (eduroam)
- Open the web browser on your device and go to myprint.flinders.edu.au
- Sign in with your FAN and password
- Select Setup Mobility Print from the menu. On mobile and tablet devices, you may need to select View in Desktop mode for this menu to be visible
- Download and install Mobility Print
- Follow the prompts on your device to finish installation
- Select FlindersPrint for your next print job
You can also visit the Flinders Printing website for help. You will just need to scroll down to the ‘printing from your own device’ section to get a step-by-step guide.
Once you have set up Mobility Print you can print your document to Flinders Print and scan your card at any printer to get your print job. It is super easy!
If you need help, feel free to pop by Flinders Connect at Bedford Park or Student Services, Level 2 at City Campus to get some IT support.