The Caring Futures Institute and its members were featured in the media throughout July. Check out the reach of our expertise!
Sunday Mail, KIDDO Mag and Filmink: Love for every body. Caring Futures Institute member Dr Ivanka Prichard was mentioned in various articles about production investment for a new documentary into kids’ body image by body image advocate Taryn Brumfitt. Ivanka is a body image health professional and helped guide the film with her expert knowledge. Read more
NT News: Dementia research. Two new Flinders research projects have examined new ways to improve dementia care within the sector. One of the projects is led by Institute researcher Prof Sue Gordon who is studying aggressive events and the effect on workers. A small article appeared in the NT News on 30 June. Sue was also quoted in a separate article in the Australian Ageing Agenda about a recent aged care industry forum. Read more
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal: Keeping the person’s best interests in mind. Caring Futures Institute member Linda Starr wrote an article for the ANMJ about the fundamental right of patients in healthcare is the right to consent and to refuse treatment.
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