Around 80 people from China and Australia attended a seminar on Culturally appropriate care for culturally diverse people with dementia and their carers in Australia on October 11, as part of the iSupport for Dementia project led by Caring Futures Institute researcher Professor Lily Xiao.
The majority of participants were from Dali University, China which is located in Yunnan Province. Yunnan Province possesses the largest number of ethnic minority groups in China. This is evidence that the webinar targeted the right audience who are interested in cultural diversity in dementia care.
Professor Bianca Brijnath, Director of Social Gerontology at the National Ageing Research Institute and Associate Professor at Curtin University, was the key speaker at the session.
Prof Brijnath introduced the Australian Government-funded Moving Pictures Resources to the audience. These resources are developed to improve equitable dementia care services for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. They were well received by the audience.
Prof Brijnath opened up the conversation on how to communicate with culturally diverse families about dementia and what to do when cultural conflict arises.
The recorded webinar has been sent to partners in the project and published on YouTube to further disseminate the topic presented in this webinar.

A third seminar will go ahead on The concept and practices of dementia care continuity in China next month.
Dr. Huali Wang, Professor of Geriatric Psychiatry, executive director of Dementia Care and Research Center at Peking University Institute of Mental Health will be the key speaker at the event on November 11.
The seminar will be held at 11am Beijing, 1:30pm Adelaide, 2pm Sydney time.
View here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87129392876 with meeting ID 871 2939 2876
The National Foundation for Australia-China Relations has also invited Professor Xiao to deliver a 30 minute presentation about the iSupport for Dementia project next month.