ASCILITE free webinar: Synchronous learning environments: connecting communities or teaching into the ether?

Date: Thursday 7 September 12pm – 1pm (AEST)

Synchronous technologies allow us to connect with others who may not be geographically located. This webinar, will discuss newer approaches to synchronous communication that recognise the power of blended approaches and building communities. What ways are there to bring online communities into the ‘real world’ and vice-versa? How can we leverage synchronous communication tools across places and spaces to build greater affordances in how we connect with space and with other people? What pedagogies and frameworks might underpin these approaches and how should we consider these in practice?

Featuring: Sue Tucker (VET Developer, Charles Darwin University) – Twalks Victor Renolds (Mobile Learning Designer, La Trobe University) – Using Zoom in blended learning across campuses

Join the session here.  No membership is required, just login.

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