What’s new in FLO

FLO is regularly updated throughout the year with improvements, bug fixes and new features. These updates are performed about every 4-6 weeks. The FLO March update was released on Friday 23 March 2018 and contained the following items:

  •  Choice Activity

We’ve added a FAN column to the exported reports.

  •  Active Quiz

Active Quiz users may have noticed that tickboxes on the edit screen were not sticking after the page was reloaded. While the options selected were saving correctly, we’ve fixed the issue that was causing these options not display in the user interface.

  •  Self Enrolment

Under certain circumstances, a student who had enrolled in a self-enrol topic with an expiry date wasn’t automatically unenrolled when that expiry date is reached.

  •  Lesson Activity

We’ve fixed the display of responses and feedback on multi-answer Lesson questions.

In addition to these improvements and bug fixes, this update also included over 90 minor fixes to various FLO components.

Our next scheduled release will be the Mahara upgrade, which will update the University’s ePortfolio environment to version 17.10. This upgrade is scheduled to take place on Friday 13 April 2018.

contributed by Zoe Bogner

FLO Coordinator – IDS

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