Mahara, the University’s ePortfolio system, was updated to version 17.10 on Friday evening 13 April. This update brings enhanced reporting and analytics capabilities to the platform, streamlined page editing screens, and enhancements to group collections and submission views.
The next FLO update is scheduled for Friday 18 May. This update includes a number of bug fixes and improvements:
- Assignments: Fix an issue with the Annotate PDF popup not always working correctly
- Turnitin Drafts: Address a user interface glitch in the submission process
- Turnitin Drafts: Prevent a grade item being created in topic gradebooks
- My Topics: Fix duplicate assignments being shown to students in some circumstances
- Enhanced Self and Peer Assessment: Fix the accumulation algorithm setting changing after the activity is duplicated or restored from backup
- Atto Editor: Clean up some of the buttons in the default rich text editor to make uploading videos easier
- Over 70 minor bug fixes and improvements
Over the coming weeks, you will see a number of updates to the eLearning Gateway FLO, Collaborate, and Mahara staff support site. The team welcome your ideas and feedback about the Gateway, and encourage you to get in touch with your local College eLearning Support Team with any questions about preparing your topics for the second half of 2018.
The Gateway Working Team, consisting of staff from College eLearning Support (CILT) and Digital Student and Teaching Services (IDS), are working on a ‘refresh’ of the eLearning Gateway in preparation for Semester 2. Thank you to all who participated in the Gateway use survey. The team will use feedback from the survey to guide design and content.
Written by Zoe Bogner
FLO Coordinator
Digital Student and Teaching Services
Information and Digital Services