What’s new in FLO

Take a look at the new look eLearning Gateway

In case you haven’t noticed, the eLearning Gateway staff support site has a (very) new look and feel. It retains the search engine but now has 12 ‘boxes’ that you can open to link to activities (tools) and resources. These boxes are either purpose (e.g. Collaboration) or task (e.g. Grades & grading) driven. The ‘how-to’ glossary entries are also remodelled. The number of entries has halved which makes searching easier, and they have a sense-making structure that helps you choose/use a tool. The Online Learning and Teaching team hopes you find the new Gateway user friendly. We welcome your feedback via your eLearning support teams.

Other new features

There has been a fix for the Active Quiz timeout to provide better user feedback when a timeout occurs.

Topic Links have been updated with Textbook Purchase information.

Contributed by: Andrea Rankin, Learning Designer and the Online Learning Systems team

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