Calling all calibrators!

The universities of the Innovative Research Universities (IRU) network – CDU, Griffith, Murdoch, Western Sydney, La Trobe, and JCU – are currently seeking topic calibrators across a range of disciplines. Calibrators are selected based on their experience in the discipline and their well-developed sense of academic standards. If this sounds like you and you are interested in reviewing a topic, read on!

Calibration provides an opportunity to evaluate a topic from another institution and in the process, potentially improve our own topics. Calibrators have reported a cross-pollination of ideas, and the benefits of seeing how others teach and assess similar topics.

How much work is involved?
Reviewing an IRU topic takes between 5–10 hours, and calibrators have 4 weeks to complete the online report. The process is facilitated by the Academic Calibration Coordinators across the IRU.

Discipline areas currently seeking topic calibrators include: Applied Psychology, Counselling, Creative Arts, Education, Engineering, Environmental & Conservation Sciences, Health & Human Sciences, Humanities, Law, Nursing & Midwifery, Politics, Science & Health, Social Sciences, Society and Communication.

How to get involved
Register your interest with Anna Smith, Academic Calibration Coordinator who will match you with a suitable topic and submit your calibrator nomination.

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