An important – and often overlooked – aspect of online teaching is accessibility. It is important to consider the internet access and bandwidth available to students. Make sure you use the Technical checklist for online teaching to ensure the materials you develop are accessible by all students.
In addition, there are a range of accessibility standards and inclusivity design principles to consider when developing resources for students working online. To support you in making sense of these, academic developers and online learning designers in the Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching have put together a Good Practice Guide and Tip Sheet. These provide advice and links to support students from a range of backgrounds and who may experience a range of challenges accessing their opportunities to successfully learn.
Finally, if you have not been able to attend a session about Teaching online, the materials are available in the self-paced module on FLO. Not only does the module provide advice and support, but it models good practice in ensuring your FLO site is accessible.