
Transforming Assessment: “Lessons Learned from Systemically Implementing Competency Based Assessment in First Year Engineering” (held 7 April 2021)

Presenters: Sean Maw and Shaobo Huang (University of Saskatchewan, Canada)

The College of Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan, in Saskatoon, Canada, is currently redesigning its First Year (FY) program. One key element of that redesign is the adoption of competency based assessment (CBA). It will be implemented across all courses. In the Fall of 2020, in the midst of the COVID crisis, CBA was fully implemented in one of the core FY courses as a pilot. This presentation discussed key lessons from that pilot exercise.

View the recording and obtain resources


HEPI / Advance HE webinar: How do we ensure equality in higher education in a pandemic? (held 21 April 2021)

This webinar focuses on equality and provides an opportunity to discuss how we move towards greater equality in higher education and the impact of COVID-19.

Read more and view the recording


National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE)

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