HERDSA national webinar series: Increasing student engagement, satisfaction and learning through pre-class activities

Thursday 11th November 2021 12.00-1.00pm AEST

Student preparation for in-class practical experiences enables students to confidently and competently apply theory to practical activities. Despite developing quality preparatory resources, most students were choosing not to engage. Associate Professor Jennifer Wilson therefore repackaged the resources into a series of gamified, online, adaptive, laboratory preparatory modules (GOAL-PMs) to successfully increase student engagement, satisfaction and learning in her Biochemistry course laboratory sessions as measured by system metrics, student survey and focus groups. The GOAL-PMs supported deeper learning with students asking conceptual questions (e.g., “why?”) during class instead of procedural questions (e.g. “how do I do this?”). Associate Professor Wilson has expanded this approach into her course content and other courses at student request. The GOAL-PM intervention promotes improved preparation and performance for classes requiring prior knowledge.


Register at https://www.herdsa.org.au/herdsa-webinar-series

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