Topic Rollover in FLO for 2022

It’s that time of the year again when Online Learning and Teaching (OLT) teams are preparing topics for teaching in 2022. There are a few changes happening between now and the start of 2022 that you need to be aware of.

  1. FLO is getting another (smaller) upgrade.

    This time last year we were getting ready for a significant upgrade, but this time the upgrade will be less of a change. The way FLO looks won’t change. There will be some great new features including improvements to student activity completion, an accessibility toolkit, new H5P features, word counts for essay type questions in quizzes and the ability to allow students to download topic content.

  1. Changes to the grading scheme.

    On 1 January a new grading scheme will take effect, and a Gradebook change to align FLO grades with the new grading scheme will be applied that is part of the Assessment Policy. The existing ‘Holding Grade’ column will be replaced by a new column called ‘Fail or Holding Grade’. More details about this will be available in the new year.

Some key dates
25 Nov 2021: OLT teams commence semester 1 topic rollover.

13 Dec 2021:  Teaching teams get access to their semester 1 FLO topics.

13 Dec 2021:  FLO upgrade.

18 Feb 2022:  Last day to request new shared topics.

21 Feb 2022:  Students get access to their semester 1 topics.

28 Feb 2022:  Semester 1 teaching starts.

What you need to do
Please make sure the topic Media Vault is up to date. To ensure that all teaching team members have access to topic video content, all topic video content needs to be added to the topic Media Vault, before OLT teams start the 2022 topic rollover process (25 November 2021). A step-by-step guide to doing this is available in the FLO Staff Support site.

Please have your topic Media Vault up to date by Friday 19 November 2021 to ensure your video content will be rolled into 2022.

You’ll receive a confirmation email when your FLO topic site for 2022 has been rolled.

Topic has been rolled over, now what to do?
Once you have access to your topic you have an opportunity to review your content, refresh the site, update activity due dates, etc. A link to the post-rollover checklist, that highlights the key steps you should take, will be included in the rollover confirmation email.

Many topic rollovers will likely have been completed by your OLT team before the FLO upgrade happens. The teaching team access date and the date of the upgrade occur on the same day so you might consider delaying having a look until after 14 December.

Additional support resources are also available


Written by the Rollover working group

OLT team – CILT

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