Your FAQs

Each month we share some of our timely frequently asked questions around educational technology.

Q: If I add captions to a video in the topic Media Vault, will the captions also appear in the video in My Media and other topics the video is in?
Yes, adding captions to a video published in the topic Media Vault will display captions in all instances of the video across FLO, including videos embedded in other topics that have not been added to a Media Vault.

Adding captions to your videos in FLO is a great way to meet accessibility requirements while adding to engagement for all students. Captioning a video will also create a series of tags for your videos.

Q: A guest lecture recorded in Collaborate in another topic is relevant to the topic I am currently teaching. I would like to provide access to the recording for a selection of students enrolled in my topic in FLO. What is the best way to provide access to the recording for these students?
Collaborate recordings within a topic can only be accessed by participants actively enrolled in the topic. To enable access for students enrolled in a different topic, you will first need to obtain a download of the recording.

Once the Collaborate recording has been downloaded from the topic it was recorded in, upload the video to Kaltura (My Media) and publish it to the Media Vault in your topic. You can then embed the video in a page resource from the topic Media Vault in the relevant module.

If the recording is only relevant for a select group of students, you can also restrict access to the recording by applying restrictions to the page resource. If the relevant students are not already in a group in the topic, create a group or grouping to use for restricting access.

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