The NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence on Health Equity (CREHE) held a symposium titled De-Industrialisation: Employment, Health and Equity Impacts for People and Communities on 21st September to explore the links between changing employment conditions and health equity for communities, drawing on local and global experiences.
The original blog post on the symposium is available at:
The symposium included a recorded ABC Radio National ‘Big Ideas’ panel discussion hosted by Paul Barclay exploring what deindustrialised communities similar to South Australia will look like in 20 years’ time, which included Prof Fran Baum (CREHE Co Director, Southgate Institute); Dr Chelsea Bond (University of Queensland); Prof Jennie Popay (University of Lancaster, UK); Mr Ross Womersley (Chief Executive Officer, SACOSS) and Prof John Spoehr (Flinders University).
The audio for the big ideas panel is now available at:
November 24 2017