Inspire – Voted in the top 5 programs for Student Success in Australasia

Inspire, Flinders University’s ground breaking digital doctorate made the finals of the prestigious CAUDIT awards, but was narrowly pipped at the post for top honours.

The Inspire Program – Australia’s 1st Digital Doctorate, was selected as a finalist in the CAUDIT Awards 2020 for the Improving Student Success category.

CAUDIT is a national organisation focused in Information Technology in the Higher Education Sector, and its awards serve to promote excellence in service and innovation in a range of categories, including innovation in teaching and learning, excellence in research support, operational excellence, and improving student success.

The Digital Research Services team could not be more proud of working hand in hand with the Office of Graduate Research to deliver this program with such great success. The program has utilised Design Thinking and Agile methodologies to constantly focus on creating value for HDR students and engaging them as co-collaborators. Here is just a sample of some student and staff feedback the team have received regarding Inspire:

 “I LOVED the confetti!! Made a little video of it, and sent a photo of it out to all my family and friends who have been waiting for me to submit!”(HDR Student, November 2019)

This inspire program seems to have made this process much easier than it used to be!” (HDR Student, February 2019)

‘The milestone timeline was a pleasant surprise. I love it! It’s so clear and easy to follow and I finally have a clear overview of my milestone requirements on one screen that makes sense! Thank you!! This is a great tool and one I will definitely be referring to as I progress through my candidature! ‘ (HDR Student, June 2019)

‘Clear and easy to use for students and I can now see my students upcoming milestones’ (HDR Supervisor, August 2019)

‘The introduction of the INSPIRE portal has ‘inspired’ even more collaboration… and enabled us to deliver great services to our HDR scholarship holders and enhance their PhD experience. This includes effective monitoring of students’ status that avoids over or under payment of their HDR stipend.’ (Professional Staff member, August 2019)



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DRS Blog Post

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