Q. What is the process for requesting permission for the reuse of recordings?
A. If you’re seeking permission to reuse recordings of live lectures in subsequent years, please contact your Teaching Program Director. In a written request, include as much information as possible about the topic and why you want to reuse the recordings.
Reuse of lecture recordings will only be considered appropriate in unforeseen circumstances (e.g. staff absences, where all others means of replacement are exhausted). Read more about the considerations for reuse here.
The Teaching Program Director will either grant or deny permission. If permission is granted, the Topic Coordinator should notify the college eLearning Team. The eLearning Team will work with Topic Coordinators to provide links to previous years recordings in topic FLO sites. If recordings are going to be used, the Topic Coordinator should post an announcement to students in FLO notifying them this is the case.