Online Invigilation Pilot


Flinders is piloting online invigilated exams to students enrolled in online Business topics in Semester 1 2019.

The Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) will be offered as a fully online course for the first time this year. To enable our students to have a completely online experience, we will be implementing online invigilated examinations, meaning students will be able to take their exams without having to travel to campus.  Some other 2nd and 3rd year online Business topics will also utilise online invigilation. Online exams will be hosted in FLO, using the new system, RP Now.

Benefits for Students:

  • Students will not have to travel to campus to take their exams.
  • Students can take their exams in the comfort of their own home.

Benefits for Flinders:

  • Complies with professional accreditation requirements.
  • The pilot will help the University to understand how online invigilated exams can be rolled out across other online topics.
  • Ability to offer a fully online course to prospective students.

Outcomes of the pilot will be shared in due course.

For further information please contact the Digital Student and Teaching Services project team at

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DSTS ETAP News Online Invigilation Student Centred