Welcome to our new look e.NCOUNTER newsletter, and we encourage you to visit the “blog”, and look forward to receiving your comments and feedback.
An important announcement for this issue is to update you on Flinders’ new approach to maintaining connections with its alumni and friends. Following recommendations from the Executive Committee of the Alumni Association, the University Council agreed that the time was right for a new approach to connecting with its alumni. The formal Alumni Association structure committee has been dissolved and a new model implemented. The new model has an alum or alumni as “Consultative Chairs” who engage with the Alumni Office and Alumni on projects and activities associated with the University and report to the Council through the Vice-Chancellor on a regular basis. I am delighted to say that alumni Liz (BA ’69 DipEd ‘70) and Steve Kelton (BA ’70 DipEd ’71) have accepted the Council’s invitation to provide the leadership for this new approach.
Programs and activities involving alumni are already happening including the organising committee for the 40 Year Reunion program, the selection committee for the Convocation Medal and Distinguished Alumni Awards, and the Flinders (Investigator) Garden. A new program designed to engage with alumni through volunteering will be launched shortly.
It is expected that the University will approve shortly, changes to legislation and associated rules to accommodate the new proposals and this will impact positively on our engagement with alumni. Graduates of the University are automatically recognised as alumni. Staff, former members of staff, students, former students and other persons who have had or who wish to have a significant involvement with the University continue to be recognised as alumni or friends of the University
In closing, our sincere thanks must go, and deservedly so, to the Executive Committee of the now passé Alumni Association for their commitment, advice and time over past years, and for their input into the “new look” approach.
Chris Jenner, Head, Development and Alumni Relations