In commemoration of Kartini Day, Austrade Indonesia is presenting a Professional Development Seminar Series especially for Australian Women Alumni on “Entrepreneurship: Develop the Skills to Start Your Own Business” on Tuesday, April 16th 2013 from 10.30 am to 14.00 pm at Mandarin Oriental Hotel., 3rd Fl., Diponegoro Room, Jl. M.H. Thamrin.
This Entrepreneurship seminar provides you with the opportunity to hear from:
Lianna Gunawan, Winner of 2012 Cartier Women Initiative Award, owner of La Spina Shoes and an Aspiring Entrepreneur.
Ligwina Hananto, Winner of 2011 Australian Alumni Awards for Entrepreneurship, Co-founder & CEO of QM Financial, a Financial Expert.
Receive advice also on Positive Branding and Personal Imaging from Janna Soekasah Joesoef, Creative Marketing Director of Ghea Fashion Studio, Founder of Jakarta Kreasi Lima Event Organizer and Poetre Spa.
Gain insights to expand business contacts from a Networking Trainer, Sony Jethnani who is also an event organizer and committee member of Britchams and InterNations Professional Women’s Group.
Moderator for this event is Adsa Hermawan, the Human Resource Enthusiast and a Consultant at Pwc.
This is a valuable opportunity to hear from these successful entrepreneurs of their journey towards developing their business and build on the confidence to start your own business as well as Build Network with other Australian alumni. Further information and registration detsilas in the Seminar Flyer.