The LOGOS Australian Centre for Hellenic Language and Culture was very proud to hold its inaugural Modern Greek Alumni breakfast on the 11th November. Current and past students were invited to reconnect with each other and network with local leading professionals and business people.
Mr Nick Mavragelos, former Modern Greek student and Director of the Adelaide Pavilion, kindly offered to host this important event to bring our lost Alumni back together to promote Greek language and culture to South Australia and beyond.
The event speakers were former Modern Greek students Ms Zoi Papafilopoulos and Mr Peter Kapiris. Zoi currently works as an Electorate Officer for the Hon Tom Koutsantonis MP, Member of Parliament for the state seat of West Torrens. She is also a Greek Language teacher accredited through the Ethnic Schools Board and the Acting President for the South Australian Council for the Greek Cultural month (also known as Festival Hellenika). Peter is currently working as Leasing Officer for the City of Onkaparinga and a member of the Chian Association of S.A. “A. Korais”.
During the event Mr Peter Charatis representing The Foundation of Hellenic Studies presented a $20,000 cheque to the LOGOS Centre which was raised earlier in the year to support LOGOS and its future conferences.
The event was a great success and an Alumni group is already scheduled to meet next month to plan future actions to bring even more Modern Greek students to work together to support the activities of LOGOS at Flinders University.
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