A host of Flinders University alumni are among finalists for the upcoming South Australian and the Northern Territory Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Awards.
The Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Awards recognise and acknowledge the significant contribution that nurses and midwives make to their professions and the wider community through their practice and are run by the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officers in each state and territory.
The 2020 South Australian Awards will be announced on Friday 7 May. Flinders graduates among the finalists are:
Excellence in Education (Registered Nurse/Registered Midwife)
Diana Sonnack (DipAppSc(ComHlthNg) 1984), NALHN
Excellence in Leadership (Registered Nurse/Registered Midwife)
Petra Bierer (BNg(PostReg) 1993), SALHN
Excellence in Practice (Registered Nurse)
Kevin Hardy (BNg(PreReg) ‘99, MNg(NPrac) ’15), Calvary/Mary Potter Hospice, and Mikaela Canfield (BNg(PreReg) ’11), Burns Unit CALHN
Excellence in Practice (Registered Midwife)
Susan Macfarlan (DipAppSc(Nurs) ’81, GradCertMid) ’13), NALHN, and Milly Grigg (BNg(GradEntry) ’01), Barossa Hills Fleurieu LHN
Excellence in Research and Knowledge Translation (Registered Nurse/Registered Midwife)
Karen Royals (GradCertHlth 2012), TQEH, and Deryn Thompson (BNg(PostReg) ’05), WCHN
Consumer Appreciation Award
Emma Montague (BMid(Prereg) ’16), SALHN, and Yumi Lee (BNg(PreReg) ’14), SALHN
Humanitarian Award
Kate Taylor (GradCertClinEd ‘19), NALHN/Midwifery Lecturer at Flinders University
Early Career Nurse/Midwife of the Year
Katherine Seiboth (BMid(Postreg)(RegNurse) ‘18, BNg(PreReg) ’12), RMCLHN Loxton.
Winners will be announced on the SA Health website
The winners of the NT 2021 and 2020 Awards will be announced on Saturday 15 May, with the following Flinders graduates are among the finalists:
2021 Finalists
New to Practice Award
Tamara Grantham (BNg(PreReg) ’20), Registered Nurse, Alan Walker Cancer Centre, Royal Darwin Hospital
Flinders University Award for Excellence in Nursing/Midwifery Education
Anija Mathew (GradDipClinRehab ’18), Acting Clinical Nurse Educator, Rehabilitation Ward, Palmerston Regional Hospital
Excellence in Nursing/Midwifery Aboriginal Health
Nicola Emmett (GradCertPHC(ChildFamilyHlthNg) ’21, GradCertRemoteHlthPrac ’19), Child Health – Healthy Under 5 Kids Program, Julanimawu Health Clinic, Top End Health Service, and Laura Hinds (GradCertRemoteHlthPrac ’20), Remote Area Nurse/Midwife, Miwatj-Ramingining Health Clinic, Miwatj Aboriginal Health Corporation.
Nurse/Midwife of the Year
Caitlin Clayer (GDipRemoteHlthPrac ’19), Remote Area Nurse, Titjikala Health Clinic, Central Australia Health Service
2020 Finalists
New to Practice Award
Matilda Starbuck ( GradCertRemoteHlthPrac ’20), Yuendumu Health Clinic, Central Australia Health Service
Client Appreciation Award for Excellence in Nursing/Midwifery
Tarrant Tolatta GradCertRemoteHlthPrac ’18), Registered Nurse, Emergency Department Katherine District Hospital
NT Administrator’s Award for Lifetime Achievement in Nursing/Midwifery
Monica Ostigh (BNg(PostReg) ’95, DipNg ’90), Continuous Quality Improvement Facilitator, Primary Health Care
Nurse/Midwife of the Year
Sheena Samuel (MNg(Aged Care) ’19), Clinical Nurse Specialist Geriatrics, Royal Darwin Palmerston Hospital
Winners will be announced on the NT Health website.