Become a Learning Coach for medical students

Flinders University’s medical degree is a unique teaching program that succeeds because of the collaborative efforts, commitment and student-centred approach of our supportive academic and professional staff, academic status holders and clinical educators across Adelaide, rural and remote SA and the NT.

An important support during the program is the opportunity for students to meet each semester with a Learning Coach. The coaches help students to develop their capacity as self-regulated learners and gain feedback that informs their learning.

Through this support, Learning Coaches are assisting to develop our future medical workforce and make a meaningful contribution to students’ clinical competency and intellectual, personal and professional development. If you are contemplating a clinical education supervisory or academic role in future, this volunteer role can help you develop insights into the student experience.

A GP with 30 years experience, Dr Lani Lip  (pictured) became a Learning Coach this year and is now coaching six students and says the role is incredibly rewarding.

“Medicine has changed in so many ways and to have a ‘go to’ person when things get a little tough, or just to bounce ideas off, is a great way to sustain mental health and longevity in this profession. I believed I could fill this role and… it is as good if not better than I expected. I have had very warm interactions with my students, being able to address so many issues, not only within their medical course but life itself,” says Dr Lip.

“The support I have received from the University has been very patient and encouraging. There is not a huge time commitment so if you are ready to give back or pay it forward, being a Learning Coach is wonderfully rewarding.”

Current medical student Ben Forsyth (pictured) has been supported by his Learning Coach for the past three years and has found the process to be very positive.

Ben says, “I’ve enjoyed many robust conversations with my Learning Coach, most importantly to ensure I maintain awareness of those aspects of my learning/journey that may not be immediately within my focus.”

“This ongoing presence has opened an avenue of support that I perhaps did not appreciate at the beginning of the journey. Most certainly my Learning Coach has exceeded my expectations and I genuinely look forward to our interactions.”

If you are graduate of the Flinders MD program and/or you teach or supervise MD students on clinical placement, please consider becoming a Learning Coach in 2022, please contact Dr Svetlana King (Bedford Park campus) or Dr Enoka Gunawardane (Darwin campus)

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