Rachel’s Story | The Diving Club at Flinders

Rachel picRachel

Hi my name is Rachel and I’ve just finished my 4th year of studying Creative Arts (Drama) at Flinders University. Throughout my years at high school I was always an active member of all sorts of clubs. I also loved playing sports and being part of a team. My involvement in extracurricular activities thoroughly enriched my time at school and was something I was sad to leave.

When I got to O’Week on my first day at Flinders, I realised I needn’t have worried about letting go of all those opportunities. There are all sorts of clubs and societies you can be a part of; way more than what I had on offer at school! On that first day I signed up with the Underwater Club and I haven’t looked back.

When I signed up, I had recently got my diving ticket and was looking for people to go with, and I found through the club a bunch of really enthusiastic, welcoming and experienced people. The club has 2 boats and all the gear you need for hire, all at a student friendly price. Dives are organised for almost every weekend and sometimes during the week as well, and it is also a great way to find a buddy you can dive with casually. As I was new to the sport and was still getting the hang of things there were plenty of people who could help me with the ins and outs of my gear and I have taken part in skills refreshers organised by the club.

Starting uni can be a daunting experience and trying to find your way socially can be tough sometimes. I think one of the best things about joining up with a club is that you get to be involved with an existing community of people with similar passions to you.  The club you join might have nothing to do with what you’re studying, which means you can meet a range of people from different parts of the Uni.

Whilst being a club member, I have seen and done some really incredible things. I’ve been to reefs and shipwrecks, gone night diving, hung out with a colony of seals for an afternoon and watched cuttlefish mating in Whyalla! I’ve been far and wide around the state with the club and discovered all sorts of incredible places above and below the water – Yankalilla bakery included!

I’ve had such an amazing 4 years of study, but there were a lot of times where it was hard work and could feel overwhelming. I found having other things to do at uni was a crucial element in keeping my life balanced with my study. Of course you need to study hard, but it’s just as important to cultivate those things you’re passionate about beyond your course work. All my assignments were important, but so was hitting the water. So if you come to uni, find a society, and jump on in for some serious fun in your time at Flinders.


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