Encounter Youth | Look After Yourself this Summer

1. Look after yourself
You are number 1, so plan ahead to ensure you can get out of a situation at any time you want to. During the summer season, there may be different people out and about where you’re partying, so remember this can change typical party environments.

2. Look after your mates
Stick together and stay in groups. Particularly for those of you who have ‘phantom’ mates (those that disappear home or somewhere else without telling anyone). Keep a look out for them and ensure everyone arrives and leaves the party together.

3. Hydrate
With warm, dry weather over summer, we’d suggest drinking plenty of water. It ensures that you’re hydrated and going to feel much better when waking up the next day.

4. Plan to get home safely
If getting a ride from parents or a friend, or even catching a taxi, we’d suggest everyone gets picked up and dropped off together. This is to make sure no one is left alone and that everyone gets home to their bed safely.

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