Foundation fundraising Rides

Tour de Cure

The weather couldn’t have been more perfect for The Tour de Cure SA Country Tour when 44 cyclists rode over 200km to raise funds for cancer research – including a major project at FCIC.

Visiting researcher Dr Anne-Sophie Mehdorn and Dr Ganessan Kichenadasse were among the group who rode from Glenelg to Langhorne Creek over two days.

For Anne-Sophie, Tour de Cure was the perfect opportunity to support cancer research while taking in the sights of South Australia – her enthusiastic fundraising reaching her target and tallying $2650.

“Thanks a lot for all your support and your faith in me and my legs!” says Ann-Sophie.  “I had three amazing days with the Tour de Cure guys. We were more than lucky concerning weather, injuries, food and roads. We visited a school in Myponga and the kids simply loved it. It was a very unique and special experience that you made it possible.  Thank you.

By your donation and involvement in the Easter raffle and hot cross bun morning tea you underlined the importance of cancer research and that it is a cause worth fighting for. In total, we raised almost $175,000, which is an amazing sum. Thanks to you, I ended up seventh best fundraiser! Thanks for this! I got awarded with a special jersey and I would hereby dedicate it to you and to the people you donated for. You gave me a lot of reasons to think about while cycling the 1300 km of training and this helped a lot.”

For more information about how you can be involved in a future fundraising ride please contact Flinders Foundation on 8204 5216 or email

Visiting Scholar Anne-Sophie gratefully receiving FCIC fundraising from Oncology Secretary Deb Chapman, which got her off to a good start to reach her target.  Thank you FCIC!


Cycle Cambodia to Cure Cancer

A group of 10 committed Flinders Foundation supporters – including Flinders Foundation CEO Amanda Shiell and FCIC’s own Dr Ganessan Kichenadasse – have raised an incredible $56,000 for cancer research and care after completing the 10-day Cycle Cambodia to Cure Cancer adventure last month.

The team all had their own personal reasons for riding and wanting a better future for people affected by cancer and their families.

They cycled over rough terrain, through hot and humid conditions and through mud and rain but all agreed it was worth it, with the money raised being used to fund cancer research and care at FCIC.

Ganessan tells us “Thank you for your wonderful support and donations towards my fund raising efforts. I’m extremely grateful for your contributions and encouragement.  The Cambodian ride was excellent and we managed to complete successfully.  To follow on with Tour de Cure SA Country Ride was bit of a struggle for me…however, the conditions were ideal and funds raised will hopefully fund a few cancer research projects.

If you’re interested in taking part in a future Flinders Foundation Adventure to support research and patient care at Flinders, please contact David Briggs on 8204 5216 or email

If you would like to donate, the fund raising pages are still active.

Tour de Cure donation page

Cycle Cambodia donation page


 Instagram #flinderscycletocure

Amanda Shiell’s Shared Facebook Album Flinders Cycle to Cure Cancer in Cambodia 2018


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