HCF Research Foundation $1M research grants

EOIs closing date: 14 Jun 18

HCF Foundation 2018 call for Expression of Interest



Dear Researcher,

It has come to our attention that the EOI application form on our website was incorrect up until 12.30pm on the 16 May 2018.

Listed on the Foundation’s website was the “full application” form of 10 pages which researchers complete in round two of the process if successful, rather than the simpler EOI form which is only 3 pages.

If you have downloaded the document titled Full Application (10 pages) please disregard and download the EOI application form again from the Foundation’s website – https://www.hcf.com.au/about-us/hcf-foundation/hcf-foundation-applications

Apologies for any confusion, and good luck with your application.

Kind Regards,

Wayne Adams



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