Everyone in a SALHN building, including FCIC, regardless of the exact location you are working, is required to wear a mask, covering their nose and mouth

Guess who!  Email guesses to michelle.cox@flinders.edu.au by COB Wednesday 25th November.  Correct answers will go in a draw to win a delicious chocolatey prize!

Email from Ian Smith, Director College Services, CMPH, Flinders University

23th November 2020

Dear all,

This message applies to staff and students requiring to be in FMC and other SAHLN managed buildings. Apologies if this doesn’t apply to you.

Flinders University has been informed by SAHLN that all staff and students in FMC and other SAHLN buildings will be required to wear masks while in these buildings unless they are sitting isolated in a room by themselves. We understand that this applies until further notice.

If you do not already have a mask, masks will be provided at the main doors of FMC and are also available at the student services reception counter on Level 5.

Kind regards,


Ian Smith

Director, College Services, College of Medicine & Public Health

 Sturt Road, Bedford Park South Australia 5042

GPO Box 2100 Adelaide SA 5001

M: +61 478 402 401 I P: +61 8 8201 5477

E: ian.smith@flinders.edu.au l flinders.edu.au

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