Body image concerns and eating disorders are serious mental health disorders, and despite 70% of young people experiencing symptoms, only 14% will seek assistance and advice from a health professional.
Social media platforms, such as Instagram, are only adding to this issue. Increased usage and time spent on social media increases the risk of young people having body image concerns and eating disorder thoughts and behaviours.
I am Media Smart is an online program for 13 to 25-year-olds who wish to improve their body image. The program involves completing a survey online and undertaking a program that will run for 12 months. In addition to the program, participants will be asked to completed 3 more surveys. People who complete all 4 surveys will receive a $30 voucher.
Preliminary studies in women between the ages of 18-25 years old showed that the Media Smart program reduced the onset of eating disorders by 66% and increased remission in those already with symptoms by 75%.
I am Media Smart is currently open to all people aged 13-25 years old and living in Australia.
For more information and to sign up, visit the Media Smart website or email
Participation is confidential. Media Smart funded by Rotary Mental Health.