Thanks for magnificent media result

Congratulations to Flinders researchers, whose important work has resulted in the University posting the highest volume of media coverage and highest ‘share of voice’ of South Australia’s universities for the first half of 2019.

It’s the first time since commencing media monitoring nearly two decades ago that Flinders has led news coverage, reflecting a growing understanding of media value and the considerable efforts made by researchers and staff right across the University.

While promoting the research and analysis of Flinders experts helps to build public knowledge, it also benefits individual researchers and our University.

Media coverage broadens the reach of researchers’ work to help verify its impact and inform reporting and grant applications. It strengthens Flinders’ reputation and that of individual researchers, elevating awareness of their achievements and research specialities to peers all around the world.

Ensuring the wider community is aware of Flinders’ strengths also helps inform the study choices of future students.

The Flinders media team is constantly seeking ways to support and promoting research success. Support includes one-to-one and group media training, development of research collateral such as videos and images, local national and international distribution, and issues management.

Researchers can build their media presence in a number of ways:

Make sure Flinders’ media team has your mobile

If you are interested in providing media comment please provide the University’s media team with your details and mobile number for quick contact when journalists reach out with an urgent enquiry. Email the media team to provide your details (or check if you are on the list.) This is not a public list and numbers can be kept confidential by request.

Register as an expert on the Expert Guide

Attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors each year, Australia’s ‘Expert Guide’ provides a quick link for members of the media to connect with experts in any area, together with interested parties from any sector. Expert Guide experts are sought for media commentary and collaborations with government, academia and industry.

Join the Scimex expert list

Those researching any area of science can register to the Australian Science Media Centre’s (AusSMC) expert list on Scimex. The AusSMC exists to enhance the media’s coverage of science and frequently provides evidence and experts to the media.

Sign on to MCERA’s expert database

The Media Centre for Education Research Australia (MCERA) is a not-for-profit organisation devoted to raising the profile of education research in Australia. It works with researchers to provide the public with evidence on education issues and bring leading research into the public space. With Flinders University a sponsor of MCERA, its services are free of charge to University staff.

Ensure your Flinders University staff profile webpage is up-to-date

The media team can provide advice and support on how to improve your ‘discoverability’ and become known for your expertise through your staff page.

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