SA Chief Scientist outlines plans to boost innovation

The Chief Scientist of SA, Professor Caroline McMillen, will be presenting a talk on Boosting Research and Innovation in SA for the next instalment of the FHMRI seminar series on 2 August.

Professor McMillen is a distinguished medical and health researcher who holds national and international roles in research, industry engagement, innovation strategy and policy development.

Her insights and experience have proved instrumental in developing the EXCITE Strategy, South Australia’s 10-year plan to grow the economy through research and development, along with the advancement of future industries.

Professor McMillen was previously Vice-Chancellor at the University of Newcastle for seven years, and during her tenure she was instrumental in the economic transition of Newcastle via the establishment of innovation hubs to drive collaboration between industry, researchers, start-ups and investors.

Professor McMillen has also previously worked at the University of Adelaide as head of the Department of Physiology, and at the University of South Australia as Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice President: Research and Innovation.

Her talk on Wednesday 2 August, from noon-1pm, will be held in Flinders Medical Centre LT3 and can also be accessed online via Microsoft Teams.

For further information and to book for online access, email

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Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute