Join the survey to benchmark inclusivity

Flinders University is taking part in the 2023 Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI) employee survey, which provides a national benchmark on LGBTQ workplace inclusion initiatives.

The online questionnaire, administered by Pride in Diversity, comprises the largest and only national employee survey designed to gauge the overall impact of inclusion initiatives on organisational culture for identifying and non-identifying employees.

The survey, first conducted in 2012, has seen significant participation growth; in recent years almost 45,000 people took part, employed in almost 200 different organisations across a wide range of sectors and industries.

The survey data will enable Flinders to gain insights into the attitudes and experiences of all employees, including the difference between employees with a diverse sexuality and/or gender, and those without. Data can be used to understand how Flinders compares with other sectors or industries, across Australia.

The survey has been extended into the new year to allow more time for you to have your say. To participate, please click here.

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