Opportunities for career and leadership development

A new suite of pilot workshops is being offered by the Organisational Development and Diversity team at Flinders during May for professional staff, delivered by a range of expert facilitators.

Strategic Networking: 9 May, delivered by Sharon Ferrier, Persuasive Presentations.

We know that our relationships with others can unleash our productivity (and our careers) – and this workshop will help you take your networking skills to the next level.  In this workshop, you can learn how to be a strategic networker and master the mingle – even when it feels uncomfortable.

Human-centred collaborative design series – session 1: 8 May, presented by Emma and Jarrod Siegertsz.

Human-centred design (HCD) is a collaborative approach to problem-solving that puts the people we are designing for at the heart of the process. Our Human-centred design series includes four standalone, half-day sessions that build on each other. They are designed for leaders, change practitioners and individual contributors who wish to develop capability in using human-centered design methods and mindsets.

Foundations of Inclusive Leadership: 15 May, delivered by Anna Lee of Leed Consulting.

While most leaders have an intellectual understanding of the benefits of diversity and inclusion, they may lack clarity about what inclusive leadership looks like day-to-day. Flinders University is a culturally diverse community which recognises that each student and staff member brings their own unique capabilities, experiences and characteristics. Diversity and inclusion are core to Flinders’ organisational culture and values, and the University aims to provide an environment which is creative, innovative, flexible and productive. This workshop provides leaders with foundational knowledge and skills required to bring out the best in diverse individuals and teams, whether through the meeting processes, project allocation or recognition and reward.

Build a resilient, adaptable, high-performing team: 20 May, delivered by Tracy Maxted of The Missing Think.

Building and leading a successful team is a bit like conducting an orchestra, because every person needs to play their part well for the team to succeed and thrive. Building a team which is resilient, adaptable and high-performing leads the wish list of most leaders, so this workshop will help participants identify the elements of a high-performing team within their own work context, diagnose when things aren’t going as planned, and learn how to develop a team in a psychologically safe manner.

My career journey – Navigating career success in Higher Education: 27 May, Q&A panel.

If you want to build your career within Higher Education, and grasp an opportunity to build your networks across Flinders University, this informal Q&A-style events, will enable you to hear from those who have ‘been there…done that’. This event will feature Luke Havelberg, Chief Information Officer; Michelle Gander, Dean (People & Resources) from the College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences; and Shane Jennings, Director, Property, Facilities and Development.

Please seek your manager’s approval before registering for these workshops.

Other funding opportunities for professional development are available, including the Professional Staff Development FundProfessional Staff Conference SchemeStudy Assistance scheme, and Study Tour applications are also now open.

To explore all streams and development for professional staff available in 2024, please see the Professional Staff Learning Framework.

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Around campus Professional development