Supervision based on student’s passions

Congratulations to Associate Professor Tully Barnett from the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences for winning the 2024 Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Supervision. Associate Professor Barnett was nominated by three of her PhD students and is blown away by the news that she is the recipient of this year’s award.

Tully’s HDR supervision approach focuses on helping candidates identify the aspect of research that inspires them, and building their project around it, guiding them to find their voice, their path, and their unique contributions.

Tully recognizes that each supervision relationship is distinct, shaped by the individual candidates goals and needs, and their unique journey into a higher degree by research. This involves unlearning assumptions and baggage, so that they can thrive as researchers.

One of Tully’s students describes her supervisory approach as holistic, future-focused and flexible. She has no expectation that a candidature will follow a generic template or pathway.

Another of her students said:

‘Tully manages to balance the right amount of diplomacy, academic rigour and kindness in her approach to supervision. Her input, both regarding the original contribution to knowledge, rigour in the thesis writing and overall candidature journey, was integral to my achieving A/A results.

Tully always championed my research project and championed me, too; her support was not limited to the big picture of my original contribution to knowledge but extended to the support of me as an individual throughout the entirety of my candidature.’

The recipient of the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Supervision is acknowledged for their outstanding achievements across the various dimensions of excellence in supervision:

  • the extent and range of their supervision activities
  • the positive outcomes for their students
  • their respect and support for students as individuals
  • their support for students’ career development
  • their broader contribution to the development of supervisory practice within their College or across the University

Associate Professor Barnett will be recognised for her outstanding contribution to HDR Supervision at the Vice-Chancellors Staff Awards Ceremony next month.

As part of the prize Associate Professor Barnett will deliver a professional development session to fellow HDR Supervisors as part of the HDR Supervisor Development Program.

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College of Humanities Arts and Social Sciences Office of Graduate Research