Home support workers and consumer directed care: Who cares?

From 1 July 2015, the Australian Government implemented a Consumer Directed Care model of service delivery across the community aged care sector to all approved providers of home care for older people.

Flinders PhD candidate Graeme Payne has examined home support workers and their perceptions of psychological contract breach, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention during the early stages of implementation of Consumer Directed Care.

This seminar describes workers’ perceptions of changes in their relationships with clients.

The study uses multiphase mixed methods design (Creswell & Plano Clark 2007) that commenced with a qualitative phase.

Consumer Directed Care provides more choice and flexibility to elderly clients who reside in their homes. Clients have more control over the types of care and services they access and the delivery of those services (Department of Social Services 2015).

Graeme is a PhD candidate and currently a tutor in the Interpersonal Skills for Professionals Management. People and Organizations program.

Previously, he worked in the area of human resources and industrial relations in both the public and private sectors and with a registered employee organization Tuesday 21 March 2017 at 2.00 pm at Flinders University Law & Commerce Building, Level 3, Room 3.18 (On the north ridge, next to car park 4)

To enquire about the NILS Seminars please email nils@flinders.edu.au or call +61 8 8201 2265.

Alternatively, visit the website at http://www.flinders.edu.au/sabs/nils/events/events.cfm

Everyone is welcome

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