The Flinders Medical Students’ Society NT (FMSSNT) and Students Association for Rural and Remote Health (StARRH) organised the Australian Medical Students Association Rural Summit in the first week of September in Darwin.
This was a great opportunity for medical students to participate in and discuss rural and remote health in Australia, as well as consider the medical training and clinical experience in our setting.
Our students demonstrated effective advocacy, creativity and innovation, professionalism, coordination and communication in the program and management of this event. In addition to the Summit they hosted a Rural Rescue Challenge in Batchelor clinic supported by local clinicians and the Batchelor clinic staff. Well done and much thanks to all.
A Flinders University plenary was given by a panel from our team pictured. Dr Karlie James, Flinders NTMP Graduate, Kath Martin, Program Director Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Pathways in Medicine, A/Prof Emma Kennedy, Dr Siobhan Hensey, Lecturer NTMP and A/Prof Kelum Priyadarshana.
We focused on the challenges for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, rural and remote communities. It is important that students experience rural and remote clinical learning and develop relationships with local people. This impacts on motivation and interest in work in the future.
Associate Professor in Medical Education and Training
Flinders NT Medical Program