Flinders NT and the Rural Health Multidisciplinary Training Team in Darwin now provide free introductory Aboriginal health workshops for students.
These afternoon sessions at the Royal Darwin Hospital campus explore the topic of working with Aboriginal clients in the context of clinical health services. Students from all health disciplines and backgrounds are encouraged to attend.
Presenter, Craig Allen, is a Yandruwandha Yawarrawarrka man and Deputy Director of the Poche Centre for Indigenous Health and Wellbeing – Northern Territory. With a background in psychology and criminology, he has worked extensively throughout the country supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, families and communities.
Craig shares his knowledge and experience to assist students in their contribution to better health outcomes through having an awareness of the multiple factors that influence the overall health and well-being of the Aboriginal population and by providing health services using holistic, secure and culturally safe frameworks.
Participants are encouraged to contribute to the workshops through the sharing of experiences, by asking questions and through respectful discussion of topics and scenarios.
Since February this year, over sixty medical and allied health students have attended the workshops facilitated by Craig.
For more information or to attend a session please contact fnt.placements@flinders.edu.au