Centre for Remote Health (CRH) Director, Professor Tim Carey and Mental Health Academic, Tanja Hirvonen recently attended a Roundtable in Darwin, one of a series being held across Australia, to raise awareness and receive feedback about the Australian Indigenous Alcohol and Other Drugs Knowledge Centre. This online resource launched by HealthInfoNet in 2014 includes talking books, video clips, and yarning places where people can discuss alcohol and other drug service related issues across the country.
The meeting was a valuable opportunity to learn about the resource, meet with service providers within the Darwin region and to get a sense of their training needs. As a result CRH has begun discussions with two organisations about developing staff training to enhance their service provision; another opportunity to achieve the missions of Centre for Remote Health and Flinders University.
The meeting was hosted by Professor Neil Drew, Director of the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet, which provides an innovative online resource about many aspects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.