Preventable Chronic Disease Educator Shirley Anne Bailey and Poche Centre NT’s Associate Professor Kerry Taylor have been successful in obtaining a small grant to develop and deliver a series of health literacy workshops and resources for Central Australia Health Service professionals.
Staff from Central Australia Health Service have participated in three workshops to date, with the goal of developing better health communication strategies and practices. The first workshop focused on Plain English, the second on design principles for resource development and the third on Teach-back as a means of ensuring consumer understanding. The workshops were held at the Desert Knowledge Centre in the Corkwood Room where Poche Lecturer Colleen Hayes’ family painting of the Corkwood story is displayed.
Approximately 60% of Australians have relatively low health literacy, meaning they will have difficulties in accessing, understanding and acting upon health information effectively.
To arrange health literacy training for your staff, please contact Poche Centre NT on 08 8951 9603 or email poche.alicesprings@flinders.edu.au