National Suicide Prevention Conference in Brisbane

Summer May Finlay and Tanja Hirvonen at the National Suicide Prevention Conference in Brisbane

Tanja Hirvonen from the Centre for Remote Health and Australian Indigenous Psychologists Association, and Summer May Finlay from co-presented at the National Suicide Prevention Conference held in Brisbane in July.

Professor Pat Dudgeon chaired the symposium with various presentations around suicide prevention for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Tanja and Summer May’s presentation discussed language, sensitivity, considerations and control of key messages when talking about suicide prevention to the media with a focus on who has the right to talk, and what can we talk about to ensure our voice is heard.

The conference was well attended and there were various presentations around what works and what needs to be considered when working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

Many attendees reported that they enjoyed the conference and were able to acquire new perspectives and skills, and develop ongoing connections with others working in this challenging area. Tanja and Summer May were both very grateful for the opportunity to be able to contribute to such an important discussion.


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Centre for Remote Health (CRH)