Congratulations to new Centre for Remote Health (CRH) Senior Research Fellow, Sonia Hines, on being awarded the Florence Nightingale Memorial Scholarship by the Australian College of Nursing. This $10,000 award will contribute to Sonia’s ongoing PhD study of an educational intervention to improve nurses’ research literacy and evidence-based practice self-efficacy.
Sonia’s new role at CRH is to focus on conducting systematic reviews and building the output of the newly created Centre for Remote Health Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Affiliated Group. The role has grown from Sonia’s long association with JBI, as an author, reviewer, committee member, and journal editor. JBI, for those unfamiliar with the organisation, is an international collaboration for the promotion of evidence-based healthcare with over 70 centres worldwide. Sonia says, “I’m looking forward to continuing my PhD research here in Alice as well as expanding on the work I’ve previously done with JBI.”