Congratulations to Centre for Remote Health Research Fellow, Mikaela Cibich, who was recently awarded a Doctor of Philosophy (Clinical Psychology) from Flinders University.
Mikaela’s PhD investigated how social identity processes influence the behavioural and psychological consequences of shame. During her candidature, she also completed her clinical training to become a Registered Psychologist.
Mikaela is applying her expertise in social identity processes and mental health to co-design an intervention to reduce alcohol-related harms with youth in Alice Springs.
Recently she gave a presentation at the Flinders University College of Medicine and Public Health Emerging Leaders Showcase titled, “The design of a pilot strategy to minimise alcohol-related harms amongst youth in Alice Springs”. It was a presentation of a project that Mikaela had been undertaking with Margaret Carey and Tim Carey. The presentation won a prize for the best poster presentation in the theme “Healthy Communities”. The prize is an animated abstract by Animate Your Science, a company that turn abstracts into an animation to improve the dissemination of findings.