Northern Territory health services will benefit greatly with 18 new doctors graduating from the Flinders Northern Territory Medical Program – a highly successful joint initiative of Flinders University, Charles Darwin University, and the Northern Territory and Australian Governments.
The Graduation Ceremony for the NT Medical Program, for the degree of Doctor of Medicine was held on Thursday 12th December 2019 at Darwin Convention Centre.
16 graduands (plus two in absentia) attended the ceremony marking the sixth cohort of Territory trained Doctors to graduate from the program.
Graduating students are pictured above.
- (Back row L-R) Brian Ch’ng, Ashail Silva, Sam Benn, Stephen Shaw, Hugh Wirth, Ben Gomez, Asim Razi, Chris Robins, Christos Mellios
- (Front row L-R) Sandhya Sabarinthan, Jude Bottos, Misha Lay, Elysia Jongue, Kate Huntingford, Georgia McQueen, Jasmine Christie
- Graduating in absentia: Michael Martis and Timothy Robinson.
Flinders University Chancellor Stephen Gerlach and Vice-Chancellor Professor Colin Stirling, College of Medicine and Public Health Vice President and Executive Dean Jonathan Craig along with Professor Len Notaras Chief Executive Director National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre, Professor Dominic Upton Dean of the College of Health and Human Sciences CDU, Associate Professor Chris Harnden Director Clinical Training and Governance, Specialist General Practitioner at Palmerston Super Clinic and Flinders staff, stakeholders and guests of the graduates attended the graduation ceremony to congratulate the NT graduates.