The Centre for Remote Health and Flinders NT welcome Anthea Brand, Director of the Remote Primary Health Care Manuals.
Anthea has extensive experience in remote practice as a community and public health Dietitian in Central Australia as well as outback NSW. She is passionate about optimising health outcomes for people living in regional and remote areas through primary health care approaches and is undertaking a PhD exploring whether the nutrition activities undertaken by health professionals working in a remote Aboriginal community meet the needs of caregivers with young children progressing through the period of weaning.
Anthea will lead the updating of the Remote Primary Health Care Manuals (RPHCM) suite. The manuals support high quality primary healthcare practice in remote areas of Australia, with a focus on Indigenous health. Formally endorsed by government and community-controlled health service providers across the Northern territory and used extensively by health and other organisations across northern Australia and remote regions of SA, WA and beyond, the RPHCM project is an important project for Flinders NT and the Centre for Remote Health.
The manuals include:
CARPA Standard Treatment Manual
Minymaku Kutju Tjukurpa — Women’s Business Manual
CRANAplus Clinical Procedures Manual for Remote and Rural practice
Medicines Book for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners