Biggles – CBGL HDR Social Club

Biggles was founded in July 2019 by a group of CBGL HDR students, and it is officially associated with FUSA. It was formed to address any questions, issues, concerns and aspirations of HDR students.

We know how isolating the PhD journey can be, so our primary goal is “To assist CBGL HDR students in adjusting to the University environment and support HDR students.”

We meet informally with HDRs every month over lunch to provide support, assistance and encourage connectivity among HDR students. Biggles also arrange some postgraduate events, e.g. the 2020 CBGL HDR Postgraduate Workshop, which covered topics like HDR student well-being, publishing and life after a PhD.

Meet the team:

Any BGL HDR student can get involved by either coming to one of our informal gatherings or via email.

Some events require booking but not informal gatherings. Keep an eye out for announcements through the CBGL FLO site. Feel free to get in touch with us anytime.

Here are Biggles objectives:

  • To encourage, facilitate and provide peer student support for HDR students in CBGL.
  • To provide opportunities for peer discussion for HDR students.
  • To provide representation and a voice for HDR students in CBGL.
  • To facilitate social events for HDR students in CBGL.
  • To provide peer induction guidelines for new HDR students.
  • To invite other HDR students to mentor new HDR students.
  • To encourage harmony and connectivity among HDR students and help international students become members of HDR.
  • To assist HDR students identify points of contact to facilitate and ease understanding BGL and University related processes.
  • To provide a social group and connect HDR students across BGL disciplines.

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