HDR Student International Travel (as of March 2022)



Update 5/5/22 – Please note the information below is now out of date. Please refer to the COVID-19 HDR Travel website for the latest information

The Office of Graduate Research has sought advice from the University’s COVID-19 Task Force with respect to international travel for HDR students.

The University will consider requests for international travel by HDR students on a case-by-case basis due to the ongoing health risks with COVID-19 and still remains highly discouraged. Evidence of up-to-date COVID-19 vaccinations is required.

International travel will be a rare exception and only with the Vice-Chancellor’s approval (e.g. non-essential travel such as conference attended will not be considered – as of March 2022).

Please discuss any travel plans with your Principal Supervisor before commencing a request for consideration.

HDR students can submit requests for consideration on the prescribed documentation and it must be supported and submitted by a Senior Executive Team (SET) member to the Vice-Chancellor. The Senior Executive Team (SET) member can be:

  • College Vice-President and Executive Dean
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
  • Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) (if the HDR student is international).

The request must contain the following: 

  • HDR International Travel Application & COVID Plan and Risk Assessment (still under development)
  • Evidence of up-to-date COVID-19 vaccinations.
  • Evidence from Principal Supervisor that the travel is essential for the success of the research and candidature.
  • Signed Deed Poll COVID Release.

To obtain a copy of the documentation and for further information please contact Kate Willson in the HDR Progression Team, Office of Graduate Research, hdr.progression@flinders.edu.au.

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