Congratulations to the students who completed (January 2023)


The University recognises that a higher degree by research represents a considerable achievement, reflecting hard work and a high level of commitment and dedication.

Congratulations on your outstanding accomplishment! 

Renao Bai | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Medicine and Public Health
“Advanced process development toward biorefinery of Spirulina biomass for the production of functional proteins and peptides”
Library at Flinders link

Sanith Cheriyan | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Medicine and Public Health
“Evaluation of Swallowing in Critically Ill Tracheostomy Patients using High-Resolution Pharyngeal Manometry”
Library at Flinders link

Paige Fletcher | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Business, Government and Law
“Understanding the effectiveness of Australian feminist organisations’ relationship with government”
Library at Flinders link (not currently available)

Tamar Jamieson | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Science and Engineering
“Impact of marine organisms on the functioning of a SWRO desalination plant”
Library at Flinders link

Shabnam Kashef | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
“Evaluation of a menu box delivery service to improve menu compliance and child vegetable intake in Australian long day cares”
Library at Flinders link

Duc Phuc Nguyen | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Science and Engineering
“Characterisation and quantification of wind farm noise”
Library at Flinders link

Robert O’Reilly| Doctor of Philosophy
College of Science and Engineering
“Molecular Ecology”
Library at Flinders link (not currently available)


Samantha Pandelus | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Science and Engineering
“Australian Uranium and NORM: Ecological Transfer to Native Flora Within the Arid Zone and UOC Phase Analysis Using Variable Temperature Synchrotron-XRD”
Library at Flinders link (not currently available)

Meg Pillion | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Education, Psychology and Social Work
“Investigation into pre Bedtime Technology use to Improve Adolescent Sleep”
Library at Flinders link (not currently available)

John Salamon | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Medicine and Public Health
“Modelling tumour heterogeneity with patient-specific networks”
Library at Flinders link

Mistyka Schar | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Medicine and Public Health
“Characterisation of dysphagia in diverse populations using pharyngeal high-resolution manometry with impedance”
Library at Flinders link

Jordan Spangler | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Science and Engineering
“Amphetamine Type Stimulants: An investigation of clandestine synthesis, impurity profiling and metabolic synthesis”
Library at Flinders link (not currently available)

Jonathan Syme | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Science and Engineering
“The behavioural ecology of mixed-species groups of delphinids”
Library at Flinders link (not currently available)

Jenne Tran | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Medicine and Public Health
“Modelling Sanfilippo Syndrome with induced pluripotent stem cell patient-derived neurons”
Library at Flinders link

Ena Tripura | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
“Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and the Humanitarian Response: The Case of Rohingya Refugee Women in Bangladesh”
Library at Flinders link  and  ‘Staying in the Loop Newsletter – Get to Know You’ Blog Post.

Hannah Whittall | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Education, Psychology and Social Work
“The role of parental cry tolerance when using behavioural sleep interventions for paediatric insomnia”
Library at Flinders link

Yulia Yulia | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
“A case study of patient empowerment in supporting self-management in diabetes care in Indonesia”
Library at Flinders link


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Congratulations HDR

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