Your student representatives on the University Higher Degree by Research Committee (UHDRC)

The University Higher Degrees by Research Committee (UHDRC) is an important governance sub-committee of the Academic Senate, which assists Senate to discharge its responsibilities regarding the accreditation, quality and compliance of higher degree by research education and training.

The UHDRC has student representation in its membership to enhance its student-centred approach and voice for the governance of HDR students. Student representation is embedded in the UHDRC’s Member Composition, within its Terms of Reference (ToR), and provides for:

  • two HDR Student Members as voting members, and
  • two HDR Student Alternate Members, to attend meetings as observers and Student Member back-ups.

The committee membership comprises the Dean of Graduate Research, College HDR Coordinators, two HDR student members as voting members, two HDR student alternate members, a student finance representative and HDR administrators. The term of the HDR student members is 1 year.

Your HDR Student Members (voting) are

  • Lisa Callahan
  • Nathan Harrison

The HDR Student Alternate Members are

  • Sarita Prabhakaran
  • Md Safeyn Sadaat Mridul

If you’d like to contact your HDR student representatives, please send an email to:


About Lisa Callahan

I am a full-time PhD student in the College of Medicine and Public Health. My project is focussed on resource use by health professionals who work to detect otitis media (middle ear infections) in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children. I hope that this research will lead to a better understanding of the training and support needs for health professionals working in this space and translate to more timely, accessible and culturally appropriate care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children accessing these services.

I am an Audiologist by trade and have spent most of my career working in community settings to detect ear health concerns and hearing loss in infants and young children. I’m also no stranger to Flinders University, having spent a significant amount of time studying and working here over the last twenty years. I am grateful for this opportunity to represent you on the University Higher Degree by Research Committee and am excited to engage with the HDR community in such a meaningful way over my term with the committee.

About Nathan Harrison

Hi there! I’m a full-time student in the College of Medicine and Public Health. My PhD research is focused on smoking and lung cancer screening. I’m really passionate about a broad range of public health issues, and have been lucky enough to work in research teams within and outside of the university sector.

I was previously a HDR Student Alternate Member (in the 2023-24 term), and now have the privilege of serving as a current Student Member on the UHDRC. I’m committed to bringing a student voice to the university governance matters that can shape our HDR experiences. I’m always very happy to chat – please feel most welcome to contact me as one of your HDR student representatives.


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