HDR Development Bulletin (January 2024 Summary)



Have you been keeping up with the HDR development bulletin? Each week a different aspect of the Research and Employability Skills Training (REST) Program is spotlighted to help HDR students’ identify opportunities to progress with their skill development. The skills covered so far include Career planning, Thesis writing and Research practice.

See below for what was covered and full details further on. For personalised advice, email HDR.Development@flinders.edu.au and we can help 😊

HDR Development Drop-in Sessions (Mon 15 Jan)

COMS9001: Communication skills for research students (Mon 22 Jan)

Updates to the HDR Connect Team space (Mon 29 Jan)

HDR Development Drop-in Sessions

Monday 15 January

Welcome back! We hope you had a great break and are ready for another exciting year.

Are you looking for some advice about your research project? Want to soundboard your methods or thesis structure with someone outside of your supervisory team? Have a question about using Qualtrics? Want some help with your skills needs analysis? Or tracking your skill development in Inspire? Attend a drop-in session with HDR Education Advisor Dr Amy Butler to get some help with these things and more.

Drop-sessions will be held every week in HDR Central, starting today. The first hour is a group help session, as hearing solutions to other questions will often benefit you elsewhere in your candidature. The second hour is dedicated to one-on-one support. We have scheduled both in-person and online, out-of-hours options to make this more accessible for everyone. No need to register – just turn up!

Mondays 3-5pm: in person at HDR Central in the Central Library.

Wednesdays 6-8pm: online in the HDR Development Drop-in Channel on HDR Connect.

COMS9001: Communication skills for research students

Monday 22 January

Do you need help with your research communication skills? Want to attend a regular course with other students and develop your communication skills while working on your research proposal, draft thesis or publication? Why not join COMS9001?

The topic assists postgraduate research students, from all disciplines, to improve their written and oral communication skills within the context of their study.  It develops students’ academic communication skills at an advanced level within the specific context of their course of study. The subjects covered include linguistic features of academic communication, syntax and idiom; structure and argument; research genres such as literature reviews and research proposals; academic publishing; editing and peer review. Students will gain experience in editing their own and their peers’ work.

The topic is available for HDR students from their second semester of study, but students at later levels of research will also find it useful. It is a 12 week topic, offered online in Semester 1 and on campus in Semester 2 (2 hours per week). It carries no additional cost to enrolled HDR students.

Semester 1 2024 Semester 2 2014
Online, 29 Feb – 30 May In person, 23 Jul – 23 Oct
Thursdays 10am – 12pm Tuesdays 9am – 11am or Wednesdays  10am-12pm

Updates to the HDR Connect Team space

Monday 29 January 

HDR Connect is an online Microsoft Office Team for all Flinders HDR students. It is a collaborative, peer learning space where everyone is encouraged to share and comment. This is an initiative led by the Office of Graduate Research, where students can come together to meet, share information and resources, provide feedback and organise events.

Recently, we have introduced some changes to the space based on your feedback, including organising more regular events and creating new channels. Below is a summary of all the channels within HDR Connect. You can access these when and if needed, and manage your notification settings so that you receive only the information relevant to you. If you have not engaged with the HDR Connect space, click Read More below and come have a look!



This channel will now be dedicated to key announcements from the Office of Graduate Research Team. It will not be used very often.

Discussion Forum


This is a dedicated channel for discussion where anyone can post. Use this channel to post questions about your research, ask about HDR-student life and to connect with each other. You can also schedule online catch-ups in the calendar if you want to ‘meet’ rather than connect via keyboards.
HDR Community Notice Board (new channel)


This is a dedicated channel for sharing opportunities relevant to the HDR Community. Use this channel to promote HDR-related events (including social catch-ups), HDR-relevant training opportunities as well as funding and job opportunities. Everyone can post in here. Note: Posts are moderated, so will not appear instantly.
HDR Development Drop-in Sessions (new channel) This channel is dedicated space for scheduled drop-in sessions where you can get help with research related matters. The current offerings include:

In person Drop-in – every Monday from 3-5pm at HDR Central

Online Drop-in – every Wednesday from 6-8pm in HDR Development Drop-in Channel

HDR Online Working Sessions (previously Writebunch) This channel is a dedicated virtual office-space where you can work- alongside other HDR students. As a student-led space, you can come along to one of the scheduled online sessions, or schedule ‘working’ sessions when you like. The current offerings include:

HDR Online Working Session – every Tuesday 10-11am

HDR Soundboarding Session – every Wednesday 12-1pm


Thesis Writing Discussion Group


This channel is dedicated to the monthly thesis writing discussion group. This session usually led by Dr Dani Milos and is a place where HDR students can share their experiences and discuss progress with thesis writing. You can register for these sessions in Inspire, or just add them to your calendar from the channel. Students from all candidature stages welcome.
Welcome to New Students


This channel has been set up to allow new students to introduce themselves and meet each other. We encourage you to check it regularly and connect with anyone whose research sounds interesting or relevant to you 😊


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HDR Information

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